Henry Derek Elis - The Devil Is My Friend
Τα lyrics είναι για 60 feet..
The Devil Is My Friend
I met a girl named Cindy somewhere out on Highway 10*
She looked lost and hung over, Ain’t no telling where she’d been*
She said she’d run away from home with a sadness in her eyes*
Sometimes in my restless sleep I still hear poor Cindy cry*
I don’t need your Jesus, No I don’t need his help*
I don’t believe in heaven little darlin, but Hell exists right here*
I don’t need your prayers, I pray for a means to an end*
Cause the devil is my friend*
I bought her a late breakfast, took her to a cheap hotel*
I robbed her of her innocence, she promised not to tell*
I held her down at knifepoint, buried the blade into her spleen*
The flashbacks, they still come and go, I still hear poor Cindy scream*
The world will break your heart at least a thousand times*
And leave you with no answers to all the reasons why*
Battered, bruised and broken, Your peace will never come*
The truth is never spoken, until the damage has been done*
I covered her nude body with the sheets upon the bed*
Her bloody kiss upon my lips, My lover now lay dead*
I guess I’ll never understand what came over me*
Perhaps I wanted more for her than a life of misery