ANSI Contrast vs NATIVE Contrast


AVClub Addicted Member
10 April 2007
Στο Αμερικάνικο forum κάνανε μια ενδιαφέρουσα κόντρα...
Ιδού τα αποτελέσματα:

We spent about 4 hours in total but finally gave up trying to isolate ANSI contrast after a couple hours. What we found was that we were simply unable to isolate it at this point, but will keep trying to think up ways to do it.

What we eventually were able to compare were two projectors, the Sharp 20000 that tested at about ~790:1 ANSI and the JVC RS2 which tested at about 250:1 ANSI.

Now as many of you know there is a common belief here that ANSI contrast differences are clearly observable, and some even repeatedly use the term "ANSI punch". I have come out with a hypothesis that says "it is not observable and that in a blind test people cant tell the difference". Until this hypothesis can be proven wrong I challenge anyone to prove in a blind test that this is possible.

Am I saying that the ANSI measurement is a useless piece of information to compare projectors? Well YES...but I'm not completely sure. I'm simply not sure it is observable unless there is at least a magnitude spread between the tested numbers...maybe not at all. I'm hoping someone can develop a test that my hypothesis can be disproved.

Okay, now after giving up on the tests with just the Sharp 20000, we decided to compare the two projectors. The "ANSI punch theory" would suggest that the 790:1 ANSI lumen Sharp 20000 should destroy the JVC RS2. What we found was just the opposite. In basically every test the JVC has more punch and more 3 dimensionality. It wasn't even close. How could a projector with 3 times the ANSI contrast deliver less punch? As I've speculated on/off contrast is much more important and it clearly played out here in this test. I'm speculating but I'd say on/off plays 98% roll and ANSI maybe 2% if at all. The bottom line here is the RS2 wiped the floor with the Sharp 20000.


AVClub Fanatic
17 June 2006
Ενδιαφερουσα θεωρια.
Παντως πιστευω οτι για να γινει σωστη συγκριση θα πρεπει να παρεις δυο προβολεις που εχουν το ιδιο ον οφ και διαφορετικο ανσι. Εκει θα δεις τι δινει και τι οχι.


Μέλος Δ.Σ.
Staff member
17 June 2006
Περιπου τα ιδια πραγματα ειχαμε δει και εμεις οταν ειχαμε βαλει τον Sharp 21000 αλλα και τον Marantz VP15-S2 σε Α-Β θεαση με τον JVC HD-1.
Συγκεκριμενα ψαχναμε να δουμε διαφορες υπερ των DLP σε θεμα ANSI contrast σε σκηνες που θεωρητικα θα αναδείκνυαν την υπεροχη των DLP στον τομεα αυτο, αλλα δεν το ειδαμε πουθενα...


AVClub Addicted Member
10 April 2007
Re: Απάντηση: ANSI Contrast vs NATIVE Contrast

Ενδιαφερουσα θεωρια.
Παντως πιστευω οτι για να γινει σωστη συγκριση θα πρεπει να παρεις δυο προβολεις που εχουν το ιδιο ον οφ και διαφορετικο ανσι. Εκει θα δεις τι δινει και τι οχι.
Νομίζω πως στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση θέλανε να δούνε τι είναι καλύτερο να έχει ένας προβολέας, περισσότερο ansi contrast ή περισσότερο on/off contrast.
Εαν είχαμε δυο μηχανάκια με το ίδιο on/off σαφώς και θα υπερτερούσε αυτό με το μεγαλύτερο ταυτόχρονα ansi....-bye-