"Onto the measurements. ........................................................................... At one of my settings, I was able to achieve over
18000:1 on/off contrast! Now that is impressive. To date, I have not tested a projector that comes even close to this level (in fact, the closest I got to this before was less than ½ that result). The unit has good brightness as well. I was able to achieve as high as
632 lumens (at D65 remember) from the RS1. Though not considered a light-cannon, this is plenty of output for most theater applications.
Alright, now it was time to put in some source material and fire up an image. In a word…gorgeous. The first thing anyone will notice is the
deep black levels. They are black. In fact, when I was measuring for contrast I had to get my meter very, very close to the lens to even get it to take a reading. This translates directly to the image.
This is the first projector I would comfortably put up against a CRT in this arena. Yes, the black levels are that good. This in turn aids in making the colors absolutely pop.
All the colors were extremely rich and saturated, but not to the point of being “cartoonish”. They still remained very natural looking. The unit is capable of
excellent sharpness. In fact,
this is by far the sharpest projector in this general technology class (DILA, LCOS, SXRD, and LCD). I do find that DLP still has a tad of an edge in this regard, but not by much anymore and the gap I’m sure will close with future versions of this. I tested this on my 103” Vutec Silverstar, and the image just jumped off the screen....