Υπόθεση :
BioShock opens with a bang, but the overall plot focuses more on making an emotional impact than an explosive one. The year is 1960, and you're flying over the Atlantic Ocean. One mysterious plane crash later, you're floating in the water, apparently the lone survivor, surrounded by the flaming wreckage of the aircraft. But there's a lighthouse on a tiny island just at the edge of your view. Who in their right mind would put a lighthouse this far out? You swim closer and discover a small submersible called a bathysphere waiting to take you underwater. After catching a breathtaking view of what's below, you're sent into the secret underwater city of Rapture. Masterminded by a somewhat megalomaniacal businessman named Andrew Ryan, this city is driven by its own idea of total freedom, with capitalism completely unhindered by governmental meddling and science unhinged from the pesky morals of organized religion. Sounds like the perfect society, right? Well, even before you step out of your bathysphere and into the city, it becomes obvious that everything has gone horribly wrong down here. The city is trashed, and genetic freaks called splicers roam around, attacking anything that gets in front of them. At the heart of the matter is a powerful, corrupting substance called ADAM, which makes all this genetic tinkering possible and allows you to get your first plasmid power, the ability to shoot lightning out of your fingertips.
(από το Gamespot)
Το BioShock είναι το "γενετικά βελτιωμένο" παιχνίδι βολών πρώτου προσώπου που σας επιτρέπει να κάνετε πράγματα που φαίνονται απίστευτα για το είδος: μετατρέψτε τα πάντα σε όπλο, τροποποιήστε βιολογικά το σώμα σας με πλασμίδια, μπείτε σε συσκευές και συστήματα, αναβαθμίστε τα όπλα σας, κατασκευάστε νέα πυρομαχικά και πειραματιστείτε με διάφορες τεχνικές μάχης.
( από XBOX.GR )
Επίσης, πρέπει να είναι αρκετά βίαιο , γιατί το κατατάσουν σε 18+ ηλικίες!
Όπως και να χει, μεγαλα παιδιά είμαστε.... Οπότε θα το δοκιμάσουμε κι αυτό....