- 27 March 2008
- 2,901
EDG Nemesis 4.4 Magic CCcam 2.1.2 mod borsalino - 01.11.2009
New modefecation image of EDG Nemesis 4.4 01.11.2009 Magic the new: change old skins integration and inside new modefctation & CCcam 2.1.2 inside And now you can change the bootlogo easily in this image
New in this imαge
-new bootlogo hd
-Emu: CCcam 2.1.2 inside (start with image..in blue panel withe volume button for the built-Emu )
-please send Cccam.cfg in var/etc withe ftp
-add Cccaminfo_v1.1 in image (Yellow Button)
-add change bootlogo(yellow button)..send new bootlogo With renamed to
newbild On track /tmp And press the red button in plugins change bootlogo And the change will ok..
-add extra url in image (inside)
-add Ecminfo
-add nagrab recording in image
-Changed the original skins withe the new skins DZ MIX EDG by Borsalino (01.11.09)
-delet old skins
-Now you can change the form of a channel presntation withe button help
-add arabic & franc italian & english Language in demarge
-add option DVR withe help botton
-big var naw 82% Free espace
-font size add
-Fast image to open channels with Cccam
-option pvr ok withe this modifecation image
-send this image withe dreamup or falshwizare ok