EDG Nemesis 4.4 Magic CCcam 2.1.2 mod borsalino - 01.11.2009


AVClub Addicted Member
27 March 2008
EDG Nemesis 4.4 Magic CCcam 2.1.2 mod borsalino - 01.11.2009

New modefecation image of EDG Nemesis 4.4 01.11.2009 Magic the new: change old skins integration and inside new modefctation & CCcam 2.1.2 inside And now you can change the bootlogo easily in this image
New in this imαge

-new bootlogo hd
-Emu: CCcam 2.1.2 inside (start with image..in blue panel withe volume button for the built-Emu )
-please send Cccam.cfg in var/etc withe ftp
-add Cccaminfo_v1.1 in image (Yellow Button)
-add change bootlogo(yellow button)..send new bootlogo With renamed to
newbild On track /tmp And press the red button in plugins change bootlogo And the change will ok..
-add extra url in image (inside)
-add Ecminfo
-add nagrab recording in image
-Changed the original skins withe the new skins DZ MIX EDG by Borsalino (01.11.09)
-delet old skins
-Now you can change the form of a channel presntation withe button help
-add arabic & franc italian & english Language in demarge
-add option DVR withe help botton
-big var naw 82% Free espace
-font size add
-Fast image to open channels with Cccam
-option pvr ok withe this modifecation image
-send this image withe dreamup or falshwizare ok







New member
8 December 2008
Το έκανα εγκατάσταση όλα ΟΚ όταν πήγα να του αλλάξω ένα image και έκανε restart κόλλησε και δεν ανοίγει με τίποτα ….ούτε με καλώδιο δεν με αφήνει να συνδεθώ… λέει nemesis is starting αλλά τίποτα….. καμιά ιδέα?