Money can buy power, but it can't buy respect
Money can't buy sleep, but it can buy a bed
Money can't buy you love, but it can buy sex
Do you posses money or by
Money are you possessed?
Money can buy a house
But it can't buy a home
So even with money you still feel all alone
Money can buy you friends
But it can't buy family
Money can't make you happy
That's just a fallacy
It can buy a bath, but it can't buy purity
It can buy bodyguards
But it can't buy security
While people around the world starve, I eat
Cause money can buy war
But it can't buy peace
Some do everything and anything
To get the p's
The society we living in, it's a necessity
It's got the power to turn
Your best friends to enemies
It's funny cause money doesn't follow
Us when we leave