- 13 January 2008
- 5
Paidia sas xairetw!!!
Edw kai ligo kairo prospathw na vrw thn kaliterh epilogh pou 8a plaisiwsei thn anagkh mou yia filaxh twn arxeiwn mou (mp3, mp4, DiVX etc) se exwteriko hard disk alla kai parallilia na mporei na mou anaparagei ta arxeia mou eitai sthn TV mou eitai sto systhma hxou mou. H anagkes poiothtas kai connectivity einai (an kai to HD mporoume kai na to paralipsoume):
Internal Hard Disk (alla den pirazei kai an den exei disko ftanei kai yparxei dynatothta enwshs me allo external hard disk)
Ethernet cable
Coaxial and Optical Sound outputs
HDMI output
S Video out
θύρα USB 2.0 ,
Έξοδος DVI ,
Έξοδος video Component , Composite , S-Video ,
Έξοδοι audio ψηφιακές ομοαξονικές και οπτικές (+ αναλογική stereo)
Parakalw opws me voithisetai na vrw thn katallilh epilogh... mexri twra epikratesterh mou epilogh einai o :
alla paidia exete yp opsin kai tin periptwsh tou Playstation 3 yia na ginei i douleia mas
Sas euxaristw
Edw kai ligo kairo prospathw na vrw thn kaliterh epilogh pou 8a plaisiwsei thn anagkh mou yia filaxh twn arxeiwn mou (mp3, mp4, DiVX etc) se exwteriko hard disk alla kai parallilia na mporei na mou anaparagei ta arxeia mou eitai sthn TV mou eitai sto systhma hxou mou. H anagkes poiothtas kai connectivity einai (an kai to HD mporoume kai na to paralipsoume):
Internal Hard Disk (alla den pirazei kai an den exei disko ftanei kai yparxei dynatothta enwshs me allo external hard disk)
Ethernet cable
Coaxial and Optical Sound outputs
HDMI output
S Video out
θύρα USB 2.0 ,
Έξοδος DVI ,
Έξοδος video Component , Composite , S-Video ,
Έξοδοι audio ψηφιακές ομοαξονικές και οπτικές (+ αναλογική stereo)
Parakalw opws me voithisetai na vrw thn katallilh epilogh... mexri twra epikratesterh mou epilogh einai o :
alla paidia exete yp opsin kai tin periptwsh tou Playstation 3 yia na ginei i douleia mas
Sas euxaristw