fbDefriended helps you find new and removed connections on your friends list on Facebook®. Find out who defriended/unfriended you!
It checks for changes each time you tap the Update button. Depending on the amount of people you have on your list and the speed of your network connection you use, the process could take a few minutes. So please be patient!
This application is not created by, related to, nor supported by Facebook®!
fbDefriended does not make use of Facebook® Connect and therefor does not violate the Facebook® Platform policies. The correct functioning of fbDefriended relies on the correct working of Facebook.com®.
If for any reason whatsoever Facebook.com® fails to work due to e.a. malfunctioning or maintenance, or structural changes are applied this application might stop working. Therefor the developer can not guarantee the continues functioning of the application.
Facebook® is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.
fbDefriended helps you find new and removed connections on your friends list on Facebook®. Find out who defriended/unfriended you!
It checks for changes each time you tap the Update button. Depending on the amount of people you have on your list and the speed of your network connection you use, the process could take a few minutes. So please be patient!
This application is not created by, related to, nor supported by Facebook®!
fbDefriended does not make use of Facebook® Connect and therefor does not violate the Facebook® Platform policies. The correct functioning of fbDefriended relies on the correct working of Facebook.com®.
If for any reason whatsoever Facebook.com® fails to work due to e.a. malfunctioning or maintenance, or structural changes are applied this application might stop working. Therefor the developer can not guarantee the continues functioning of the application.
Facebook® is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.