Fleetwood Mac


Staff member
11 May 2008
Ωραίες εποχές! Δυστυχώς ήμουν μικρός και δεν τις πρόλαβα καλά. Περίμενα κάθε χρόνο τη γιορτή του νονού μου όπου τα παιδιά του άκουγαν "ξένα" όπως γράφαμε μικροί στις compilation κασέτες που αγοράζαμε από τα δισκάδικα της γειτονιάς.


Supreme Member
23 July 2009
Οι fleetwood mac ειναι ενα απο τα αγαπημενα μου συγκροτηματα.

Μ'αρεσει ιδιαιτερα το "everywhere",ενα τοσο απλο και τοσο ομορφο τραγουδι,με μια υπεροχη αισιοδοξη και ευχαριστη μελωδια και εκτελεση,οποτε το ακουω με κανει και νιωθω χαρουμενος!


AVClub Enthusiast
14 October 2009
Όταν οι Mac πήγαν στο Σικάγο και βρήκαν τούς Γίγαντες :
Otis Spann (piano, vocals)
Willie Dixon (bass, vocals)
Shakey Horton (harmonica)
J.T.Brown (sax, vocals)
Guitar Buddy (guitar)
Honeyboy Edwards (drums)
Εμένα αυτοί οι Μακ μού άρεσαν Γιώργο μου.!
Το LP είναι διπλό καί εκπληκτικό.
17 June 2009
Beautiful Child


Beautiful child
Beautiful child
You are a beautiful child
And I am a fool once more

You fell in love when I was only ten
The years disappeared
Much has gone by since then
I bite my lip, can you send me away
You touch
I have no choice
I have to stay
Ooh, I had to stay
Ooh, I had to stay

Sleepless child
There is so little time
Your eyes say yes
But you don't say yes
I wish that you were mine
I wish that you were mine

You say it will be harder in the morning
I wait for you to say, just go
Your hands, held mine so few hours
And I'm not a child anymore

I'm not a child anymore
I'm tall enough
To reach for the stars
I'm old enough
To love you from afar
Too trusting, yes
But then women usually are

I'm not a child anymore
I'm not a child, oh no
I'm tall enough to reach for the stars
I will do as I'm told
I'm old enough to love you from afar
Even if I never hold you again
Too trusting yes, but then women usually are
Hold you again
Hold you again

Sleepless child
There is so little time
I will do as I am told
Your eyes say yes
But you don't say yes
Even if I never hold you again
I wish that you were mine
Hold you again
I wish that you were mine
Even if I never hold you again
Well I wish you were mine
Hold you again