Garmin Nuvi 200


New member
24 November 2008
Hi everybody,
I have a Garmin Nuvi 200 and I screwed up everything by trying to hack it installing other maps of europe (it only has the greek one by default).

Well I formatted it for a mistake, and of course Garmin says that they cannot help me because it is my responsibility.

The cost to reinstall everything would be 150euros, but I payed it exactly that price!

Does anybody know if it is possible, having another Garmin same model, to make a copy/paste of the system files + the map file?

If anyone of you has this model and knows how to help me please reply ASAP!

thank you so much


p.s. I write in english but I speak and can read greek....but I am not good in orthography :(


New member
24 November 2008
πόσα ΜΒ είναι?
αν τα κάνω copy/paste μέσα το Nuvi200 θα δουλέψει?
Ενοώ, είναι Operative system + Map?

Φίλε μακάρι αν είναι πολλά Mbyte να τα βάλεις σε ενα CD και να έρθω να τα πάρω όταν μπορείς!!!!

Θα μου έκανες μεγάλη χάρη!
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