Hello AV Club members:
I have noticed from my web statistics that my largest readership WORLDWIDE is in Greece! I saw the movie that was produced about your AV Club and was very excited and impressed about what passionate music and hifi lovers you are!
I would just like to thank you all personally for reading TONE Audio magazine and I apologize for not being able to speak to you in your own language.
It truly is an honor to have such a large acceptance among you.
Please feel free to email me any time!
Thank you!
Jeff Dorgay
TONE Audio Magazine
[email protected]
I have noticed from my web statistics that my largest readership WORLDWIDE is in Greece! I saw the movie that was produced about your AV Club and was very excited and impressed about what passionate music and hifi lovers you are!
I would just like to thank you all personally for reading TONE Audio magazine and I apologize for not being able to speak to you in your own language.
It truly is an honor to have such a large acceptance among you.
Please feel free to email me any time!
Thank you!
Jeff Dorgay
TONE Audio Magazine
[email protected]