Hacker έσπασε την ασφάλεια των Vista σε σχετικο διαγωνισμό της Microsoft

Δεβελέκος Στράτος

AVClub Addicted Member
17 June 2006
Τελικά οι πολωνέζες έχουν και άλλα προσόντα εκτός από τα γνωστά...

Windows Vista, the upcoming operating system (OS) that Microsoft claimed to be the most secure of all OS, was hacked last week at the Black Hat hacker conference.

Reportedly, in order to check the vulnerability of Windows Vista, Microsoft had handed over its test versions to 3,000 researchers in the conference and asked them to try hacking it. A researcher, Joanna Rutkowska, from Coseinc, a Singapore-based security firm, showed how it is possible to bypass security measures in Vista that prevents unsigned code from running.

Rutkowska explained that the security systems in Vista can be sidestepped by using a piece of malicious software she had created and dubbed as Blue Pill. She also admitted that she had to perform the hack in higher privileged administrator mode rather than the lower privileged user account control

Microsoft has now said that it is investigating solutions to help protect Vista against the attacks demonstrated. In addition, the company is also working with its hardware partners to investigate ways to help prevent the virtualization attack used by the Blue Pill


Staff member
17 June 2006
Land of Dystopia
Ζήτω τα windows 98!!! όποιος έχει ακόμη το συγκεκριμένο λειτουργικό δεν κινδυνεύει από τίποταμε την έννοια ότι οι hackers κτυπάνε τα ΧΡ!!!!


Supreme Member
19 June 2006
Athens, Greece
Tα software θα είναι μια ζωή ευάλωτα. Aυτό δεν θα αλλάξει ποτέ. Πάντα θα υπάρχουν τέτοια φαινόμενα.
Tουλάχιστον το «χτύπημα» ήταν «γλυκό» αφού δεν ήρθε από κανα παιδάκι αλλά από την πολωνέζα...:ROFLMAO: