Ο φωτογράφος με τους περισσότερους φανατικούς θαυμαστές! Όχι όμως τόσο για την φωτογραφία του...
"I became involved in photography when I was about thirteen years old. A neighborhood friend showed me how it was possible to go to a camera shop and pick up chemicals for pennies... literally... and develop your own film and make prints."“
"For me it is all about personal vision. Is there something about a subject that uniquely speaks to me? … I'm attracted to images that come from a personal exploration of a subject matter. When they have a personal stamp to them, then I think it becomes identifiable."
"I think at first, photographers are so preoccupied with 'how' to take a picture. I think it's helpful to get past that as soon as possible, because far more difficult to find out is ‛why’ you’re shooting pictures..."
Τον αναγνωρίζετε; Όχι; Και όμως, είναι σχεδόν σίγουρο ότι όχι μόνο τον ξέρετε πολύ καλά, αλλά είστε και θαυμαστής του!!!
H απόδειξη βρίσκεται εδώ:
...και εδώ: