α..,,,σε ευχαριστω ..κατατοπιστικοτατος!!!
ευτηχως το σαλονι μου εχει αρκετο μηκος.(7 μ.)....γιατι ανχωθηκα...
οποτε no problem
Actually you have ...
I case you place the IN83 6,5 meters from the screen (7 meters minus the depth of the projector), you will have 143" to 171"
Lets say, that you are going to 143''.
This screen has 1,77 meters high.
Assuming that the lowest point of this screen will be at 0,80 meters from the foor, the top side of the screen will be at 2,57 meters (1,77 + 0,80).
Here comes the real problem:
The IN83, should be placed at 3,21 meters from the floor (or 10 cm from the floor, which is rather inconvenient).
The above are taken from projectorcentral.com