MgCamd menü WebIF - AAF 1.5
Times again my Mgcamd menu to new 1,5 the image adapted.
Who to is interested that can it times regard.
All further is located in the Readme file.
information only indicated if the necessary files are also present
inadyn config only if inadyn is installed
MOD is not adapted on the AAF1.5 image
without change the scripte is executable it for other images
########################################### Web-IF mod 0.5 by Capa # Only for AAF_1.5_WEBIF 0.010 ##########################################MgCamd Addon, menü zu bearbeitung von- peer.cfg- mg_cfg- Inadyn Config- Inadyn Star/Stop- MgCamd share info ##########################################... for more see readme.txt
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