Motion Sensitive PS3 Controller!


Supreme Member
31 March 2007
Motion Sensitive PS3 Controller to Debut at E3?

2009's E3 may is shaping up to be a very interesting one, in rumour at least. Sony is already apparently showing the PSP Go! - the purported next-generation PlayStation Portable - and now it's being reported that we'll be seeing motion sensitive PS3 controllers, too.


According to Kombo a "source, which has a superb track record for accuracy" has revealed the details. According to Kombo, the PS3 controller on display at E3 will offer similar motion tracking abilities to the Wiimote. We can expect precision similar to Wii Motion Plus, not the standard Wii remote isn't what you could call accurate. Something akin to Sixense perhaps?
The new controller won't be a replacement for the existing Dual Shock 3 controller, but will rather be made available as an optional input device for select publishers.

Is a new console and a new way of using an existing one too much to hope for from E3?

Όπως το περιμέναμε! Η Sony αντιγραφει βασικά το πολύ επιτυχημένο Wiimote του Wii. Είμαι σίγουρος ότι το ίδιο θα κάνει και η Microsoft για το 360.


AVClub Addicted Member
26 September 2007
Ηδη δεν υποστηριζει κινηση το Sixaxis ???
Θυμαμαι καποια παιχνιδια σαν το Uncharted, το Heavenly Sword και αλλα που το υποστηριζαν...:grandpa:


Administration Team
Staff member
3 August 2006
αυτό ειναι νεο του 2006?

το ps3 controller ειναι motion sensitive απο τότε που βγηκε το ps3!

γιαυτό λέγεται και sixaxis.


AVClub Addicted Member
2 February 2009
Δε μπορώ να καταλάβω τι παραπάνω θα έχει αυτό το χειριστήριο.. Πάντως το άρθρο αναφέρεται στην Ε3 του 2009


Supreme Member
17 January 2007
Υπάρχουν φήμες για εξελιγμένο motion sensitive που θα συνεργάζεται με την web camera του PS3.

Η Sony αρνείται να πάρει θέσει για τις παραπάνω φήμες.

Περιμένουμε την E3 press conference, που θα λυθούν οι απορίες μας.


Supreme Member
31 March 2007

Sony PS3 to get Wiimote-like motion controller, sources say

The new controller uses multi-colored LEDs and a camera to track motion more accurately than the Wii remote. Rumor has it that it'll be revealed at E3 next month.

Entertainment news publication Variety is reporting that multiple sources have confirmed that Sony will unveil a brand new, motion sensing controller for the PlayStation 3 at the E3 video game conference early next month.

Sony's Sixaxis and DualShock 3 controllers for the PlayStation 3 already have some motion sensing capabilities, but this technology would be far more advanced, similar in functionality to the Wii remote, but with more accurate detection of movement in the Z axis (towards and away from the screen).

The Nintendo Wii has dominated console hardware sales for the past couple years in part because it has this technology, which appeals to a wider range of people than the more traditional dual-thumbstick/myriad of buttons configuration held to by the PS3 and Xbox 360 controllers.
Sony hasn't confirmed anything officially at this point, but this is just the latest in a fairly long series of similar rumors so don't be too surprised if it comes true. Are you ready for the inevitable high def ripoff of Wii Sports? Could be fun!

Παιδιά δεν συγκρίνετε το motion sensing του sixaxis με αυτό του wiimote. Ο τρόπος που δουλεύει το wiimote ιδιαιτερα με το nunchak είναι κορυφαίος, άλλωστε αυτός είναι ο λόγος της τεραστιας επιτυχίας του Wii.


Administration Team
Staff member
3 August 2006
α καταλαβα...θα βάλει και 2 infrared leds για να καταλαβαίνει η κάμερα πόσο κοντά είναι το χειριστήριο στην τηλεόραση... δεν είναι και τίποτα τρομερό


Supreme Member
17 January 2007
motion controller σε δράση!

Να πω κι εγώ τη γνώμη μου...

Έβγαλε η Sony την δική της εκδοχή του χειριστηρίου του Wii, τρία χρόνια μετά την αντίστοιχη παρουσίαση της Nintendo, και κάνουν όλοι οι υποστηρικτές της πλατφόρμας σαν να είναι κάτι σπουδαίο. Ναι μεν είναι πιο εξελιγμένο από το Wiimote στο ότι κάνει 1:1 mapping και καταλαβαίνει και απόσταση από την οθόνη, αλλά:

1) Απαιτεί εκτός από αγορά του χειριστηρίου και επιπλέον αγορά του Playstation Eye που μόνο του στοιχίζει περί τα 30. 400 η κονσόλα + 30 η κάμερα + ??? για το χειριστήριο για να μπορεί κάποιος να παίζει παιχνίδια που ήδη έχει ο ανταγωνισμός με 250 out-of-the-box.

2) Πόσοι και ποιοί τίτλοι θα κυκλοφορήσουν για το συγκεκριμένο περιφερειακό; Στο Wii το 90%+ των τίτλων χρησιμοποιεί τις κινήσεις του Wiimote για το gameplay, στο PS3 ποιό θα είναι το ανάλογο ποσοστό;



AVClub Addicted Member
19 September 2008
Εντελώς ερασιτεχνική η παρουσίαση της Σονυ, επειδή η MS έδειξε το Natal και χεστήκ@νε πάνω τους...


Supreme Member
31 March 2007
Sony Outs More Motion Control Details

For most of us the highlight of Sony at E3 2009 was clearly its announcement of a motion controller for the PS3 - the PSP Go just isn't that exciting. Adding to our anticipation, SCE development partners have been made privy to some more details about the system which have found their way into the world, via the friendly folks at Kotaku.

The PlayStation eye-based system is planned for release in the fairly broad "spring 2010" timeframe, with a range of both first- and third-party content. The motion controller, says SCE, will be usable "with any games across all genres from casual to [hard]core."

Unsurprisingly - as, unlike Natal, there's no external processing - Sony's "motion-tracking library has some SPU overhead and has an impact on memory as well, though these will be minimised." Whether those overheads will be noticeable in games offering motion-tracking remains to be seen - it's likely the initial run of titles will end up being fairly arcade-y in nature anyway, hiding the detrimental effects of developers familiarising themselves with the new tech.

Sony also revealed that the 'wand' accessories used with the PlayStation Eye will offer force-feedback (rumble) with up to four controllers able to be tracked at once. Voice input and recognition is to be provided via the PlayStation Eye's built-in microphone. Further Sony is "looking into the possibility" of combining the motion sensing abilities of the current SixAxis controller with its new controller - for example using "the motion controller as a sword and use DualShock 3 as a shield."

All we need to know now is how much this new control system is going to cost.