new 3g iphones has problem with screen....


AVClub Enthusiast
2 November 2007
Customers who have purchased the iPhone 3G have noticed that the display seems to have a yellow-tint and have begun to lodge complaints.

Photos submitted to AppleInsider clearly show a visible difference between the cooler tones of the first generation iPhone and a slight yellow tint found in the new iPhone 3G.

Apple has said that both generations of the iPhone use the same exact display so this issue may possibly be fixed through a firmware update. In the meanwhile some users are trying to swap their phones for ones with a whiter display.


Senior Member
2 March 2007
Και η επίσημη απάντηση από την Apple (μέσω
Δεν υπάρει κιτρινίλα απλά η οθόνη έχει πιο ζεστές χρωματικές ρυθμίσεις...

We just spoke with Bob Borchers, senior director of product marketing for the iPhone, and he had some very interesting info regarding the "yellow screen" phenomenon we've been hearing about. According to Bob (and Apple), the screen's color temperature has been purposely altered on the new iPhone to produce warmer, more natural tones, sharper images, and deeper blacks. The company says that 1st gen iPhone screens appeared colder and less defined, and they made some adjustments for the new models. In our opinion, what he says is right on -- the screens do look better on the iPhone 3G versus the older variety.