Απάντηση: Re: Panasonic Plasma VT20 : Reviews - Εντυπώσεις - Σχόλια
what hi fi
1) Panasonic welcomes the feedback and recognises that the posters on this (and other) threads are 'highly sophisticated' customers that analyse every aspect of their TV's performance.
2) The 2010 plasmas are selling very well, and complaints have been very few - Panasonic has had reports back from less than 0.1% of customers for these new models.
3) Panasonic states (quite rightly) that "there is no such thing as a perfect TV" - there are too many variables of signal, room, lighting, product and human eyes/brain.
4) Panasonic aims for continous improvement of its products - including via Firmware updates. There's no 'magic wand' to address any of the issues raised here, but firmware aims to improve all-round performance (though changing one parameter may cause another issue to pop up).
5) Specifically regarding the 50Hz motion issue - Panasonic is open in saying that the sets are optimised for Blu-ray and (where applicable) Full HD 3D performance. Broadcast/50Hz has not been overlooked, but the sets have not been optimised for it to the same degree - this may lead to occasional motion issues due to the nature of the processing (plus the quality of the source) involved. Turning off IFC is recommended when watching broadcast. Panasonic acknowledges this may make the picture a little less sharp, but should address any motion issues.
6) The 'shifting contrasts' issue (which, incidentally, we mention in our new review - in today's Awards issue - of the GT20) isn't considered anything other than nature of the product, and the sheer black levels these plasmas can reach. As we found in our review, switching to 'cinema' mode stops it.
7) The new 'BA" models are not new sets to address any of these issues. They are just the second major batch of this year's screens, which use slightly different components. Panasonic consistently uses this change of model number to indicate any change of components - it allows their service teams to identify when/where a set was made and what they can expect to find in it.
8) Panasonic recognises that there may be people who just can't get over a picture issue on their set. They urge anyone who is unhappy with their TV to firstly contact their dealer, but if they have no joy there to contact Panasonic customer services.
9) Panasonic pledges that it will escalate any serious customer complaints of this nature, even going as far as sending engineers out to a customer's house so they can see the set in action just as the customer does. Panasonic says it has already done this for several customers unhappy with VT20 models.
10) All this feedback is being sent to the engineers in Japan, who are working on 2011 models.
Hope that's useful. I think point '5' is particularly interesting.
PS - One final point for visitors to the Manchester Show: Panasonic staff there will not be able to discuss the technical issues (they are marketing not engineering staff), so as above, if you have an issue with your set, best contact dealer/customer services.
Πέστε μου,εμένα που το 90% τη θέασής μου είναι DIGEA,ένα λόγο να προτιμήσω panasonic plasma........
Eίναι πασιφανές πως δεν με θέλουν,δεν ανήκω στο target group τους......
Μα οι plasma δεν είναι αυτές,που υποτίθεται αποδίδουν καλύτερα το τηλεοπτικό και προσεγγίζουν επιτυχέστερα τις CRT ??
Μόνο η panasonic,θα μου πείτε,κατασκευάζει plasma ??
Όχι,δεν με ενθουσιάζουν λύσεις τύπου PJ 550-X20-C2 κλπ.-τίμιων κατά τ' άλλα συσκευών.Τις θεωρώ υποβαθμισμένες λύσεις,εν έτη 2010.
Η τεχνολογία plasma δεν με "δέχεται" (θέλει fullhd 3d blu-ray) η τεχνολογία lcd δεν μπορεί......
Τελικά εμένα, τον παρακατιανό-άξεστο,τηλεοπτικά και "DIGEA-πληκτο" τύπο ποιός θα με στεγάσει ?
what hi fi
1) Panasonic welcomes the feedback and recognises that the posters on this (and other) threads are 'highly sophisticated' customers that analyse every aspect of their TV's performance.
2) The 2010 plasmas are selling very well, and complaints have been very few - Panasonic has had reports back from less than 0.1% of customers for these new models.
3) Panasonic states (quite rightly) that "there is no such thing as a perfect TV" - there are too many variables of signal, room, lighting, product and human eyes/brain.
4) Panasonic aims for continous improvement of its products - including via Firmware updates. There's no 'magic wand' to address any of the issues raised here, but firmware aims to improve all-round performance (though changing one parameter may cause another issue to pop up).
5) Specifically regarding the 50Hz motion issue - Panasonic is open in saying that the sets are optimised for Blu-ray and (where applicable) Full HD 3D performance. Broadcast/50Hz has not been overlooked, but the sets have not been optimised for it to the same degree - this may lead to occasional motion issues due to the nature of the processing (plus the quality of the source) involved. Turning off IFC is recommended when watching broadcast. Panasonic acknowledges this may make the picture a little less sharp, but should address any motion issues.
6) The 'shifting contrasts' issue (which, incidentally, we mention in our new review - in today's Awards issue - of the GT20) isn't considered anything other than nature of the product, and the sheer black levels these plasmas can reach. As we found in our review, switching to 'cinema' mode stops it.
7) The new 'BA" models are not new sets to address any of these issues. They are just the second major batch of this year's screens, which use slightly different components. Panasonic consistently uses this change of model number to indicate any change of components - it allows their service teams to identify when/where a set was made and what they can expect to find in it.
8) Panasonic recognises that there may be people who just can't get over a picture issue on their set. They urge anyone who is unhappy with their TV to firstly contact their dealer, but if they have no joy there to contact Panasonic customer services.
9) Panasonic pledges that it will escalate any serious customer complaints of this nature, even going as far as sending engineers out to a customer's house so they can see the set in action just as the customer does. Panasonic says it has already done this for several customers unhappy with VT20 models.
10) All this feedback is being sent to the engineers in Japan, who are working on 2011 models.
Hope that's useful. I think point '5' is particularly interesting.
PS - One final point for visitors to the Manchester Show: Panasonic staff there will not be able to discuss the technical issues (they are marketing not engineering staff), so as above, if you have an issue with your set, best contact dealer/customer services.
Πέστε μου,εμένα που το 90% τη θέασής μου είναι DIGEA,ένα λόγο να προτιμήσω panasonic plasma........
Eίναι πασιφανές πως δεν με θέλουν,δεν ανήκω στο target group τους......
Μα οι plasma δεν είναι αυτές,που υποτίθεται αποδίδουν καλύτερα το τηλεοπτικό και προσεγγίζουν επιτυχέστερα τις CRT ??
Μόνο η panasonic,θα μου πείτε,κατασκευάζει plasma ??
Όχι,δεν με ενθουσιάζουν λύσεις τύπου PJ 550-X20-C2 κλπ.-τίμιων κατά τ' άλλα συσκευών.Τις θεωρώ υποβαθμισμένες λύσεις,εν έτη 2010.
Η τεχνολογία plasma δεν με "δέχεται" (θέλει fullhd 3d blu-ray) η τεχνολογία lcd δεν μπορεί......
Τελικά εμένα, τον παρακατιανό-άξεστο,τηλεοπτικά και "DIGEA-πληκτο" τύπο ποιός θα με στεγάσει ?