Kalhmera se olous
antimetopizw provlhma me kammena pixel sthn TV otan anaparagw video apo to HTPC. Auto ofeiletai se rythmish ths TV rythmish ths kartas grafikwn h rythmish tou enysxith? An gnwrizei kaneis kai borei na vohtheisei tha hmoun eugnomwn. Eyxaristw
antimetopizw provlhma me kammena pixel sthn TV otan anaparagw video apo to HTPC. Auto ofeiletai se rythmish ths TV rythmish ths kartas grafikwn h rythmish tou enysxith? An gnwrizei kaneis kai borei na vohtheisei tha hmoun eugnomwn. Eyxaristw