Εχω τον ONKYO TX-NR 609 160 WATT/CH 8 OHM , 170 WATT/CH 6 OHM και θέλω να αγοράσω τα martin logan motion 4 στα 4 ohm. Τα χαρακτηριστικα αναφερονται πιο κατω , 170 WATT/CH 8 OHM και έχω δει αυτά τα martin logan motion4 στα 4 ohm.
70–25,000 Hz ± 3 dB
80° x 80°
90 dB @ 2.83 volts/ meter
4 Ohms. Compatible with 4, 6,
or 8 Ohm rated amplifiers.
2,900 Hz
1” x 1.4” (2.6cm x 3.6cm)
Folded Motion Transducer with
5.25” x 1.75” (13.3cm x
4.4cm) diaphragm.
4” (10.2cm) paper cone with
stamped steel basket. Nonresonant asymmetrical chamber
format. Rigid structured dust cap
to reduce cone break-up modes.
Folded bass-reflex port
Custom air core coil and low
DCR steel laminate inductors.
Polyester film capacitors in series
and low DF electrolytic capacitors in parallel. Overall system
thermal/current protection.
20–150 watts
Push style with banana jacks
6 lbs. (2.72 kg)
12.6” x 5.6” x 5.25”
λεει 4ohm , 6, related amps 8 ohm. Πιστευετε οτι θα εχω θεμα διακοπών ή κάτι άλλο????
Nα τα πάρω ή όχι λόγω αντίστασης . Ο ήχος τους μου αρέσει. αλλά 4 ohm ????
70–25,000 Hz ± 3 dB
80° x 80°
90 dB @ 2.83 volts/ meter
4 Ohms. Compatible with 4, 6,
or 8 Ohm rated amplifiers.
2,900 Hz
1” x 1.4” (2.6cm x 3.6cm)
Folded Motion Transducer with
5.25” x 1.75” (13.3cm x
4.4cm) diaphragm.
4” (10.2cm) paper cone with
stamped steel basket. Nonresonant asymmetrical chamber
format. Rigid structured dust cap
to reduce cone break-up modes.
Folded bass-reflex port
Custom air core coil and low
DCR steel laminate inductors.
Polyester film capacitors in series
and low DF electrolytic capacitors in parallel. Overall system
thermal/current protection.
20–150 watts
Push style with banana jacks
6 lbs. (2.72 kg)
12.6” x 5.6” x 5.25”
λεει 4ohm , 6, related amps 8 ohm. Πιστευετε οτι θα εχω θεμα διακοπών ή κάτι άλλο????
Nα τα πάρω ή όχι λόγω αντίστασης . Ο ήχος τους μου αρέσει. αλλά 4 ohm ????