Πρόβλημα με hdmi Philips PF9830-Philips DFR9000 a/v receiver-Pioneer DV696-AV dvd pla


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17 November 2006
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Philips PF9830-Philips DFR9000 a/v receiver-Pioneer DV696-AV dvd player
Using the HDMI ports of the the above equipment it seems I can control nothing with the DFR 9000. There is no effect from the A/V receiver, I can only change settings with the Pioneer player. I tried everything all resolutions of the dvd player just in case the DFR 9000 couldn't be able to recognize other than the 576i format through HDMI. The olny thing it changes then is the reading from the TV when I press the info button it then shows no data for resolution. If I select other than 576i then the TV shows the changes of the resolution from the player. In any case there no effect from the DFR 9000. Furthermore I noticed that using the info button the TV shows the message Signal Not supported signal.
When I connected the dvd player on the S-vhs or composite of the DFR 9000 then I could change settings with the DFR 9000 being able to change resolutions and the Signal was supported then. When I connected the player directly to the TV with HDMI it functioned ok but still I got the same message regarding the signal.
What could be the problem the HDMI of the PF 9830 or the HDMI of the DFR 9000?

Επιπλέον αν αγοράσω νέο ενισχυτή (αφού η Philips θα μου δώσει πίσω τα χρήματα ακόμα και μετά από ένα χρόνο!!!) τι γίνεται με τους νέους receiver και player που κάνουν pass-through ανάλυση 1080p; Προφανώς η PF9830 δεν αναγνωρίζει σήμα 1080p. Μήπως πρέπει να την επιστρέψω και αυτήν με τη δικαιολογία ότι δεν προβάλλει την υψηλότερη δυνατή ανάλυση των HD-Blue ray;
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