Ιδού ο λόγος που σύντομα θα είμαι κάτοχος του PS3:
Closing Comments
Whether you're new to R&C or someone who has played them all, Ratchet and Clank Future deserves to be in your library no matter what. Not only has it supplanted Going Commando as the best title in the franchise, it's also the best game of any series on the PlayStation 3 thus far -- and that's saying a lot when you're up against Oblivion, Ninja Gaiden, Warhawk and Insomniac's very own previous effort, Resistance: Fall of Man. Congratulations Full Moon folks, you're two for two.
IGN Ratings for Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PS3)
Presentation 10
Graphics 9.5
Sound 8.5
Gameplay 9.5
Lasting Appeal 9.0
OVERALL 9.4 Outstanding
Closing Comments
Whether you're new to R&C or someone who has played them all, Ratchet and Clank Future deserves to be in your library no matter what. Not only has it supplanted Going Commando as the best title in the franchise, it's also the best game of any series on the PlayStation 3 thus far -- and that's saying a lot when you're up against Oblivion, Ninja Gaiden, Warhawk and Insomniac's very own previous effort, Resistance: Fall of Man. Congratulations Full Moon folks, you're two for two.
IGN Ratings for Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PS3)
Presentation 10
Graphics 9.5
Sound 8.5
Gameplay 9.5
Lasting Appeal 9.0
OVERALL 9.4 Outstanding