Samsung Ultra Edition II (4 Νεα Κινητά)


AVClub Fanatic
2 August 2006
E.. E... Ερχονται:BDGBGDB55:

London Fashion Week may be getting its knickers in a twist over slimline models, but there are no such concerns over in Barcelona. Samsung, you see, has just launched its uber-thin, Ultra Edition II mobiles at the city’s 3GSM event.

There are four tasty versions to get to grips with, each of their tiny frames stuffed with killer features. Tri-band GSM, Bluetooth and at least a 3 megapixel snapper come as standard on every model. The U100 ‛Candybar’ is the thinnest of the bunch, clocking in at a mind-bogglingly small 5.9mm, the world’s thinnest. The U300, slightly heftier at 9.9mm, is a clamshell with a 2.2-inch screen and 70 MB of onboard storage for you to play with.

The U600, the one which insiders say the clever types at Samsung are most proud of, is a slider with a fourth band, Bluetooth 2.0 and a 3.1 megapixel camera just to sweeten the deal. The U700, at 12.1mm, may be the biggest, but it can lay claim to being the best, a 3G slider with world-beating web and a 3.2 megapixel memory box.

All four are expected to land in our collective sweaty palms before March.




U100 - World's Thinest Phone

 Νίκος

Supreme Member
Έχω το U600 εδώ και μια βδομάδα και έχω μείνει ευχαρηστιμένος σε γενικές γραμμές, αν και απο θέμα μενού/ευκολιών προτειμώ τα SE.
Μου άρεσε το λεπτό design και που είναι slide.
Επίσης στα ατού του σίγουρα δεν είναι η μπαταρία.
Εχω πάρει και δεύτερο φορτιστή, ένα στο γραφείο και ένα στο σπίτι.