- 19 June 2006
- 3,497
Ενα πολύ ενδιαφέρον άρθρο για τις εξελίξεις στον χώρο του Blue Ray από την Sony βρήκα σήμερα και σας το παραθέτω. Εν ολίγοις μας λέει ότι η Sony προσπαθεί να εκμεταλευτεί στο έπακρο την χωρητικότητα των 50GB στα dual layer blue ray disks χρησιμοποιώντας τους κατάλληλους codecs δημιουργώντας το απόλυτο δίσκο στην ποιότητα, τόσο οπτικά όσο και ηχητικά. Μας λέει επίσης πως οι καινούργιες ταινίες θα κυκλοφορήσουν έτσι, κάνοντας εμφανής τις διαφορές της από το HD-DVD. Ιδού:
"So far, the compression techniques used for Blu-ray and HD DVD movies have been similar. Now, Sony has decided to exploit the larger capacity of the Blu-ray discs to give their movies a technical advantage, according to Daily Tech.
Sony's dual layer Blu-ray discs can hold 50 GB. The dual layer HD DVD dics hold 30 GB. So far, that hasn't been a big advantage, and movies on both formats have looked pretty much the same because the studios use nearly the same video codecs.
However, Sony has figured out to better exploit that size advantage by altering the compression technique used for movies. That added space can be used to improve the quality of the audio and video, and so Sony is planning to publish 80 percent of its new movies on 50 GB discs.
"When transferring a film onto Blu-ray, compression engineers may utilize the extra 20GB to attain higher bit rate video and to accommodate lossless audio streams," the story said.
It takes a well trained eye on a capable 1080p system to to see the difference. Even so, Sony is using every possible feature of the Blu-ray format to its advantage in the war against HD DVD.
"It’s important, especially in this phase, that we make sure we are showing the absolute best quality in video and audio, and 50GB accomplishes that,? said Sony worldwide president David Bishop."
Πηγή: iPodObserver.com
"So far, the compression techniques used for Blu-ray and HD DVD movies have been similar. Now, Sony has decided to exploit the larger capacity of the Blu-ray discs to give their movies a technical advantage, according to Daily Tech.
Sony's dual layer Blu-ray discs can hold 50 GB. The dual layer HD DVD dics hold 30 GB. So far, that hasn't been a big advantage, and movies on both formats have looked pretty much the same because the studios use nearly the same video codecs.
However, Sony has figured out to better exploit that size advantage by altering the compression technique used for movies. That added space can be used to improve the quality of the audio and video, and so Sony is planning to publish 80 percent of its new movies on 50 GB discs.
"When transferring a film onto Blu-ray, compression engineers may utilize the extra 20GB to attain higher bit rate video and to accommodate lossless audio streams," the story said.
It takes a well trained eye on a capable 1080p system to to see the difference. Even so, Sony is using every possible feature of the Blu-ray format to its advantage in the war against HD DVD.
"It’s important, especially in this phase, that we make sure we are showing the absolute best quality in video and audio, and 50GB accomplishes that,? said Sony worldwide president David Bishop."
Πηγή: iPodObserver.com