-TCL TV Line-up 2024-


Staff member
29 October 2008
-TCL TV Line-up 2024-

[hifi-journal.de]...TCL C855 4K mini LED LCD tv 2024: specs and sizes (Video)...https://www.hifi-journal.de/news/lc...-4k-mini-led-tv-2024-daten-und-groessen-video

πηγή : hifi-journal.de

Παρακάτω οι σειρές LCD της TCL για την ευρωπαϊκή αγορά.Κάποιες σειρές συνεχίζουν από το 2023.

TCL Europe tv line-up 2024

TCL Europe 2024 LCD tv Line up για την ευρωπαϊκή αγορά.
Κάποιες σειρές συνεχίζουν από το 2023.
C855 Europe=C89B France

TCL Europe France tv-line up 2024_PPWorld.jpg
πηγή : David Noguiera
πηγή : PPWorld

QD-mini LED LCD τεχνολογία (X955) -κύρια εξαρτήματα
QD-mini LED LCD technology-major components _hifi-journal.de.jpg
πηγή: hifi-journal.de

Differences between C845 (2023) and the new C855 (2024) series.
Διαφορές μεταξύ της σειράς C845 (2023) και της νέας σειράς C855 (2024) που αντικαθιστά την C845.


[avpasion.com]..Here's what the new TCL Europe tvs look like for 2024...https://www.avpasion.com/tcl-gama-televisores-2024-c855-miniled/


-TCL TV Line-up 2023-


  • TCL Europe 2024-2025 LCD TV Line up_David Noguiera.jpg
    TCL Europe 2024-2025 LCD TV Line up_David Noguiera.jpg
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New member
26 June 2018
Ευχαριστούμε για την ενημέρωση, επειδή ενδιαφέρομαι για την C855 είδα πως η 65αρα πωλείται στη Γαλλία στα 1.690€.


  • Screenshot_2024-04-13-18-05-45-518_com.android.chrome-edit.jpg
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Supreme Member
3 June 2007
Αρχικά πρέπει κάποιος να την μετρήσει γιατί
θεωρητικά με διπλά DZ και nits από την C805 θα είναι τηλεορασάρα
από άποψη εικόνας.

Μετά πρέπει να μάθουμε τι chipset έχει γιατί ουσιαστικά
αυτό είναι το μειονέκτημά τους σε σχέση με τις Sony.

Θεωρώ πάντως μέσα καλοκαιριού θα είναι πιο φθηνή.


New member
15 June 2018
Ο αντικαταστατης της c805/c755 θα παρουσιστει 5-8 Σεπτεμβριου 2024 στην ifa berlin 2024 (προβλεψη .Εκει παρουσιαστηκε η c805 το 2023)

Αρχικά πρέπει κάποιος να την μετρήσει γιατί
θεωρητικά με διπλά DZ και nits από την C805 θα είναι τηλεορασάρα
από άποψη εικόνας.

Μετά πρέπει να μάθουμε τι chipset έχει γιατί ουσιαστικά
αυτό είναι το μειονέκτημά τους σε σχέση με τις Sony.

Θεωρώ πάντως μέσα καλοκαιριού θα είναι πιο φθηνή.
Λογικα ετσι θα ειναι αφου θα εχουμε Ευro 2024 κι ολυμπιακους αγωνες το καλοκαιρι.Αν κι η αρχικη τιμη στην Ελλαδα θα ειναι ακριβοτερη(περιση ηταν πανω απο 2200 € αρχικη Μαιο 2023 κι επεσε γυρω στα 1300 τον Αυγουστο του 2023)


Staff member
29 October 2008
[avmagazine.it]...TCL Europe (Italy) tv range 2024: 5 new series, also extra-large, with mini LED LCD up to 115"...https://www.avmagazine.it/articoli/...xtra-large-con-mini-led-fino-a-115_index.html

With some measurements.

Η κινεζική μάρκα έχει ανανεώσει τη γκάμα τηλεοράσεων της παρουσιάζοντας τις σειρές X955, C855, C655 Pro, C655 και P755.
Οι μίνι LED LCD και τα εξαιρετικά μεγάλα μεγέθη κυριαρχούν, με μοντέλα έως 115" και μια προσφορά που περιλαμβάνει πλέον τέσσερις τηλεοράσεις 98".

[benchmark.pl]...TCL Europe wasn't joking, but the price is knocking you off your feet. We found out what new things they have prepared for 2024...https://www.benchmark.pl/testy_i_recenzje/tcl-prezentacja-produktow-2024.html

full specification of TCL Europe tvs for 2024




Staff member
29 October 2008
[hdtvtest.co.uk]...We tested the world's biggest single-piece tv not made up of modules, namely the 115-inch TCL X955 Max mini LED LCD tv which was installed at the Richer Sounds Manchester store.

Δοκιμάσαμε τη μεγαλύτερη μονοκόμματη τηλεόραση στον κόσμο που δεν αποτελείται από μονάδες, δηλαδή την τηλεόραση LCD mini LED TCL X955 Max 115 ιντσών που εγκαταστάθηκε στο κατάστημα Richer Sounds στο Manchester.


55"...[hdblog.it]...TCL 55T8B review...https://www.hdblog.it/tv/recensioni/n582664/tv-tcl-t8b-4k-hdr-gaming-economico-144hz/

dedicated exclusively to Amazon
VA type LCD
without local dimming
100/120Hz με MCFI

"Cinema" picture preset (the most correct by default)




[hdblog.it]...115 inches and 24,000 euros: we tried TCL's mini-LED LCD super tv...https://www.hdblog.it/tv/articoli/n582648/tcl-tv-qd-mini-led-2024/

Below is a table with all the models announced by TCL for Italy and their prices.


[dday.it]...TCL (Europe) gets big not only in terms of inches: the 115-inch is a bomb...https://www.dday.it/redazione/49436...termini-di-pollici-il-115-pollici-e-una-bomba

4K=3840x2160=8.294.400 pixels






20,000 zones (left) vs. 5,000 zones (right).
TCL has set up a demo by eliminating the LCD panel from tvs showing the bare mini LED backlight: the two vertical lines visible on the 115-inch are the joints of the plexiglass filter applied to reduce the brightness of the LEDs that would otherwise have been dazzling by 95%.
The demo shows how the backlight works when the TV plays a fireworks video.


[hdtelevizija.com]...This week, I had the incredible opportunity to attend the Experts Meet Experts event in the vibrant city of Warsaw Poland, hosted by TCL.
This exciting gathering spanned several days and attracted many tv reviewers from all over Europe.
We got an exclusive first look at TCL’s 2024 tv lineup, highlighted by the event's dazzling showstopper: the colossal 115-inch X955 Max.

Αυτή την εβδομάδα, είχα την απίστευτη ευκαιρία να παρακολουθήσω την εκδήλωση Experts Meet Experts στη ζωντανή πόλη της Βαρσοβίας στην Πολωνία, που διοργανώθηκε από την TCL. Αυτή η συναρπαστική συγκέντρωση διήρκεσε αρκετές ημέρες και προσέλκυσε πολλούς κριτικούς τηλεοράσεων από όλη την Ευρώπη.
Πήραμε μια αποκλειστική πρώτη ματιά στη σειρά τηλεοράσεων 2024 της TCL, που τονίστηκε από τον εκθαμβωτικό showtopper της εκδήλωσης: το κολοσσιαίο X955 Max 115 ιντσών.

TCL 75C855 vs 55 reference monitor,source:Calibration with Darko
TCL 75C855 vs 55 reference monitor_Calibration with darko.jpg

TV market 2023 Europe-TCL final data_calibration with Darko.jpg

TCL CSOT Gen 8.5 & G11 Mother glass LCD_calibration with Darko.jpg

Content formats in 2024 shaping tv perfomance- TCL- Calibration with Darko.jpg

Clarity -TCL _ Calibration with Darko.jpg

mini LED C85_X95 _calibration with darko.jpg


πηγή : Calibration with Darko


Color reproduction _ TCL2024 _ nextech slovak.jpg
source : Nextech


[digitalfernsehen.de]...TCL X955 preview...https://www.digitalfernsehen.de/new...mini-led-dimming-zonen-und-5000-nits-1114860/


[hxosplus.gr]...TCL 115X955 Max: H πιο μεγάλη τηλεόραση της αγοράς έγινε ανάρπαστη...https://hxosplus.gr/vision/tcl-115x955-max-more/

TCL 115X955 Max teardown


[tweakers.net]...The unbearable lightness of 115" TCL 115X955 Max tv hands-on...https://tweakers.net/reviews/12128/tcl-115x955-max-tv-de-ondraaglijke-lichtheid-van-115-inch.html


115"...[fwd.nl]...TCL 115X955 review...https://fwd.nl/beeld/review-tcl-115x955-115-inch-miniled-lcd-televisie/



[flatpanelshd.com]...TCL can produce TV panels even larger than 115" ...https://www.flatpanelshd.com/news.php?subaction=showfull&id=1717664597

TCL 115X955 Max tv vs Samsung LSP9T projector


Αρχικές ενδεικτικές τιμές TCL 2024 LCD τηλεοράσεις στην ελληνική αγορά:

Direct mini LED FALD LCD,100/120Hz
115X955 Max : 24999 €
98X955 : 6999 €
85X955 : 4599 €

Direct mini LED FALD LCD,100/120Hz
C855 = C89B = C81B (the name changes depending on the distribution channel)
98C855 : 4999 €
85C855 : 3999 €
75C855 : 2799 €
65C855 : 1999 €

SoC : MediaTek mt5896 (Pentonic 700 platform),2H 2023.
Model: Smart TV Pro
Board : tcl9618
Device : G08
Platform : merak
4x ARM Cortex -A73 @ 1390MHz,CPU Clock Range: 900-1390 MHz
GPU : Mali-G52
RAM : 2,5GB
Internal Storage Total Space: 48.56 GB
Internal Storage Free Space : 46.34 GB
Screen Resolution UI : 3840 x 2160
Android Version : 12 Snow Cone

(09/2024),Direct mini LED FALD LCD,100/120Hz,WCG
98C765 : 3499 €
85C765 : 2299 €
75C765 : 1599 €
65C765 : 1199 €
55C765 : 899 €

Direct LED LCD,100/120Hz panel με MCFI,WCG
85T8B : €
75T8B : 1599 €
65T8B : 1299 €
55T8B : 999 €

SoC: mt5896
Platform : merak
CPU : 4x ARM Cortex-A73@1390MHz (900-1390MHz)
GPU : ARM Mali-G52
RAM : 2,5 GB
Google TV,android tv 12
Internal Storage free space : 19GB

C655 Pro = C61 Pro (the name changes depending on the distribution channel)

C655 = C61B (the name changes depending on the distribution channel)
Direct LED LCD,50/60Hz (except 98" 100/120Hz panel με MCFI),WCG
98C655 : 2999 € , 98" only: MediaTek Pentonic 700.
85C655 : 1999 €
75C655 : 1499 €
65C655 : 899 €
55C655 : 699 €
50C655 : 649 €
43C655 : 549 €

Direct LED LCD,50/60Hz,WCG
65C61B : 599 €
55C61B : 499 €
43C61B : 349 €

SoC : Realtek rtd6748 (55C61BX1)
CPU : 2x ARM Cortex-A75@ 1200MHz & 2x ARM Cortex-A55 @ 1066 MHz
RAM : 2 GB
GPU : PowerVR Rogue BXE-4-32
Screen resolution user interface : 3840 x 2160
Internal Storage Total Space : 22,45 GB
Internal Storage Free Space : 19,74 GB
Android tv 12 - Google tv interface

Direct LED LCD,50/60Hz,WCG
85T7B : 1999 €
75T7B : 1499 €
65T7B : 899 €
55T7B : 699 €
50T7B : €
43T7B : €

75P755 : 799 €
65P755 : 619 €
55P755 : 449 €
50P755 : 389 €
43P755 : 339 €

85P655 : 1599 €
75P655 : 999 €
65P655 : 699 €
55P655 : 549 €
50P655 : 449 €
43P655 : 399 €

55P61B : 399 €

75V6B : 749 €
65V6B : 649 €
55V6B : 499 €
50V6B : 399 €
43V6B : 349 €


Staff member
29 October 2008
98"...[geex.x-kom.pl]...TCL 98C655 (98C655X1 model) review...https://geex.x-kom.pl/recenzje/recenzja-tcl-98c655/

Assembled in Poland

DCI-P3 (CIExy) space coverage : 89%





[avforums.com]...TCL Europe 2024 tv line-up: miniLED LCD, "QLED" LCD and more – all you need to know...https://www.avforums.com/news/tcl-2024-tv-line-up-miniled-qled-and-more-all-you-need-to-know.21835/

[avforums.com]...Big tvs - TCL's 2024 tv line up interview...https://www.avforums.com/threads/bi...d-calibration-podcast-10th-june-2024.2499835/

Presented by Phil Hinton with Dr Julian Scott and Marek Maciejewski
00:00:00 - Start
00:01:02 - Welcome and introductionsInterview with Marek Maciejewski, TCL Product Development Director for Europe
00:02:45 - TCL TV launch in May 2024
00:03:00 - How do you review a 98 or 115 inch TV?
00:04:25 - Which TCL ranges have the largest screens?
00:06:05 - Do large screen TVs mean the end of projectors in Home AV?
00:08:40 - How can TCL offer a 98 inch TV for under £2K?
00:11:14 - How is a piece of manufactured mother glass divided into small TV panels?
00:12:48 - How does TCL’s manufacturing process address market conditions?
00:13:36 - Are consumers moving to larger screen sizes? A professional calibrator’s perspective.
00:15:03 - How does the UK TV market compare to the rest of Europe?
00:16:27 - Where are the main markets for ultra sized TVs?
00:16:41 - Using viewing distance to get the full UHD effect from a large screen TV
00:18:29 - How does the cost of the 115 inch CX955 ‘halo’ TV compare to high end projectors from JVC?
00:19:59 - As a value driven brand how does TCL square the expensive halo product circle?
00:22:20 - What is the X955 range?
00:24:28 - Why does TCL support all the HDR formats?
00:25:37 - How does TCL handle motion processing on its larger TVs?
00:27:14 - Phil puts Jules on the spot: 115 inch Mini LED TV or JVC projector?
00:30:23 - What is TCL’s approach to TV audio?
00:31:34 - Will ultra sized TVs mean speaker manufacturers have to rethink their approach to immersion?
00:33:35 - The rest of the 2024 TCL TV lineup for the UK: C855, C805, C655, P755
00:36:55 - Why do some TCL models have Google TV and some have Android TV?
00:38:14 - Will TCL look at implementing Freely?
00:38:54 - Emerging blinking in to the light: How MiniLED TVs handle bright rooms
00:40:18 - Clarifying the 5000 nit claim for the 115 inch X955 TV
00:42:00 - How do TCL TVs satisfy gamer’s requirements?
00:43:50 - Thanks to Marek
00:45:34 - TCL TVs and calibration options
00:46:24 - Keep an eye out for the AVForums TCL TV launch video


Staff member
29 October 2008
115"...[flatpanelshd.com]...TCL 115X955 Max review...https://www.flatpanelshd.com/review.php?subaction=showfull&id=1719384200

or the 115-inch QM891G in North America.

miniLED backlight with 192x108 dimming zones totaling 20,736 zones.
20,736 dimming zones are still a far cry from the 8.3 million pixels in a 4K LCD panel.
4K OLED : 8.294.400 / 8.3 million dimming zones

MediaTek Pentonic 700 SoC (MT5896)
with 2.5GB RAM
and a Mali G52 GPU.
This SoC comes pre-installed with Android 12 and the Google TV user interface.
It is the exact same system chip platform as in other 2024 TCL Google TVs, except that TCL has increased the storage from 20GB to 49GB in X955 Max / QM891G (46GB free after setup)

Google tvs - CPU_GPU benchmarks_flatpanelshdcom.jpg

TCL 115X955 Max measurements_flatpanelshdcom.jpg


Staff member
29 October 2008


Staff member
29 October 2008
43"...[geex.x-kom.pl]...TCL 43C655 (43C655X1) review...https://geex.x-kom.pl/recenzje/recenzja-tcl-43c655/

VA panel = ANSI contrast ratio 5254:1
Direct LED LCD
50/60Hz panel
SoC : Realtek rtd6748
DCI-P3 (CIExy) coverage : 90%
HDR : In Movie mode, on a board occupying 10% of the screen area, the maximum luminance was 436 nits at the end of the three-minute measurement.
The brightness on the full-screen board is practically identical to that of the 10% board (442 nits).
Android 12 in the Google TV.







Staff member
29 October 2008
55"...[geex.x-kom.pl]....TCL 55C655 (55C655X1 model number) review...https://geex.x-kom.pl/recenzje/recenzja-tcl-55c655/

Assembled in Poland

VA panel,RGB,
Οπίσθιος φωτισμός : Direct LED
DCI-P3 (CIExy) coverage : 87%
HDR : In the movie mode, on a board occupying 10% of the screen area, at the end of the three-minute measurement, brightness 462 nits.

SoC : Realtek rtd6748
CPU : 2x ARM Cortex-A55@1066MHz + 2xARM Cortex-A75@1200MHz
GPU : PowerVR Rogue BXE-4-32
RAM : 2 GB
Internal Storage Total Space: 22,45GB
Internal Storage Free Space: 20,58GB
User interface screen resolution : 3840 x 2160
Android TV 12 (Snow Cone) Google TV







55"...[hxosplus.gr]...TCL 55C765 unboxing and review

αντικαθιστά την C805 (C755)

VA panel,Direct mini LED FALD LCD
local dimming zones:
98" : 1536
85" : 1536
75": 1248
65": 1008
55": 720
μια 4Κ OLED έχει : 3840 x 2160 = 8.294.400 "zones",self-emitting pixels
100/120Hz με MCFI+αναβόσβησμα του οπίσθιου φωτισμού

TCL 55C765 teardown,
πηγή: hxosplus.gr
TCL 55C765 teardown hxosplusgr.jpg


75"...[KOLBIN REVIEW]...TCL 75C765 review

SoC : MediaTek mt5896 (Pentonic 700 platform)
Model: Smart TV Pro
Board : tcl9618
Device : G08
Platform : merak
CPU : 4x ARM Cortex -A73 @ 1390MHz,Clock Range: 900-1390 MHz
GPU : Mali-G52
Installed RAM : 2,5GB
Internal Storage Total Space: 48.5 GB
Internal Storage Free Space : 47.6 GB
Android Version : 12 Snow Cone.
TCL 75C765 AIDA64 System CPU koblin review.ru.jpg

TCL 75C765 label back &box label koblin review.ru.jpg
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Reactions: powerup


Staff member
29 October 2008
[flatpanelshd.com]...TCL unveils 2025 miniLED LCD flagship with 6500 nits...https://www.flatpanelshd.com/news.php?subaction=showfull&id=1725537600

Η TCL αποκάλυψε την αναβαθμισμένη της ναυαρχίδα miniLED LCD τηλεόραση, διαθέσιμη σε 85 και 98 ίντσες, με έως και 14112 ζώνες οπίσθιου φωτισμού και έως και 6500 nits μέγιστης φωτεινότητας.
Η τηλεόραση αποκαλύφθηκε σήμερα στην IFA 2024 στο Βερολίνο με το όνομα X11H, αν και το FlatpanelsHD έχει ακούσει επίσης να αναφέρεται ως X965 (Ευρώπη) και QM952G (Αμερική).
Είναι η διάδοχος της φετινού X955 / QM851G και θα κυκλοφορήσει αργότερα ως η ναυαρχίδα της TCL για το 2025.
Το μοντέλο 85 ιντσών διαθέτει 10386 οπίσθιου φωτισμού.

[hifi-journal.de]...The new TCL X11H (X956) mini-LED LCD tv was already announced at IFA 2024 ...https://www.hifi-journal.de/news/lc...-flaggschiff-tv-mit-6500-nits-peak-helligkeit

πηγή video : hxosplus.gr

[avmagazine.it]...IFA 2024: TCL X11H / X965, 6,500-nit mini LED LCD tv...https://www.avmagazine.it/news/4K/ifa-tcl-x11h-x965-tv-mini-led-da-6500-nit_22667.html


μια 4Κ OLED έχει : 3840 x 2160 = περίπου 8,3 εκατομμύρια 8.294.400 "ζώνες", αυτοφωτιζόμενα εικονοστοιχεία


Senior Member
8 January 2016
Varna, Bulgaria
QD Controversy Doesn’t Look Good for TCL TVs

"QD TV doesn't have QD?" TCL TV Controversy


Staff member
29 October 2008
43...[Pro100tehnika.ua]...TCL 43P755 review

SoC : Realtek rtd6748
CPU : 2x ARM Cortex-A55@1066MHz + 2xARM Cortex-A75@1200MHz
GPU : PowerVR Rogue BXE-4-32
RAM : 2 GB
Internal Storage Total Space: 8,1 GB
Internal Storage Free Space: 5,5 GB
User interface screen resolution : 3840 x 2160
Android TV 12 (Snow Cone) Google TV

TCL 43P755 AIDA64 .jpg


55"...[lesnumeriques.com]...TCL 55C655 Pro test...https://www.lesnumeriques.com/tv-televiseur/tcl-c655-pro-p75786/test.html


Staff member
29 October 2008
65"...[geex.x-kom.pl]...TCL 65C655 review...https://geex.x-kom.pl/recenzje/recenzja-tcl-65c655/

VA panel,RGB,8-domain,vertical stripe
Direct LED
50/60Hz panel
DCI-P3 (CIExy) coverage : 79%

KSF/PFS phosphor was used to convert blue light from the backlight to red, which means that the 65C655 is at most a so-called "semi-QLED".
The method of conversion to green and the presence of quantum dots remain debatable issues.

Could it be that the manufacturer used slightly different components in the 65C655 than in the 55C655? In my opinion, it is not out of the question.

The so-called "game accelerator" allows you to play at a refresh rate of 120 Hz, but the TV then does not accept a signal with 4K (3840x2160) resolution, but at most 2560×1440.






50"...[geex.x-kom.pl]...TCL 50C655 review...https://geex.x-kom.pl/recenzje/recenzja-tcl-50c655/

KSF/PFS phosphor ,DCI-P3 (CIExy) color coverage: 85%




55"...[hdtelevizija.com]...TCL 55C655 Pro review...https://hdtelevizija.com/2024/11/24/tcl-c655-pro-4k-uhd-tv-recenzija/

55C655 Pro Motion Clarity_Judder reduction hdtelevizija.com.jpg

55C655 Pro peak luminance vs window size hdtelevizija.com.jpg

55C655 Pro viewing angles_hdtelevizija.com.jpg

C655 Pro connections hdtelevizija.com.jpg

55C655 Pro AIDA64 Realtek rtd6748 System_CPU hdtelevizija.com.jpg