Δεν το λες και κακο:
'T2' has been issued on home video so many times it has become a joke among even the film's biggest fans, which makes this Blu-ray release a dicey proposition. Yes, the picture is really quite good and it's a clear upgrade over the previous standard DVD editions. However, the soundtrack is nothing new and the extras are minimal. It is also hard to imagine Lionsgate isn't going to release this one again (and again and again) with more extras. So is a beautiful-looking 'T2' in high-def, sans extras, worth spending another $39.95 for? This time, I'm afraid, I'm going to have to leave that choice up to you.
Αν αντι για 40 δολλαρια βαλετε τα 6.5 ευρω... μπορω να φανταστω οτι η γνωμη του Reviewer θα αλλαζε....
Τι μεταφορικα εχει το μαγαζι??