The Lab FM

19 June 2006
Μία παρέα φίλων, αποφασίσαμε να δημιουργήσουμε ένα web ράδιο, κυρίως γιατί οι μουσικές που αγαπάμε δεν ακούγονται πουθενά ή σχεδόν πουθενά. Η ανάγκη έκφρασης έντονη μέσα στα ασφυκτικά περιβάλλοντα της καθημερινότητας.

Μακάρι οι αγωνίες μας, οι επιθυμίες μας, η τρέλα μας, οι αγάπες μας να βγουν μέσα από τις μουσικές μας.

Ψυχοθεραπεία, Ιεραποστολή, Καβ..α, ότι θέλετε. Δεν μπορώ να περιγράψω με λόγια το τι αισθάνομαι.

Η παρέα των 7 έχει γίνει η παρέα των 20. Το πράγμα απλώθηκε.
Έχουν εμπλακεί σημαντικές μορφές σε αυτό το εγχείρημα.

Από τον Κώστα Λυμπερόπουλο ( σε κρίσιμο ρόλο) μέχρι τον Μπάμπη Δαλίδη (creep records-villa21).
Aπό την Μαρίνα Γιώτη μέχρι την Μαρίνα Τσιγονάκη.
Από τις ''περιέργειες'' του Μπαϊρακτάρη μέχρι τα Ηλεκτρικά κύματα του Νίκου.
Από το ragtime και το garage punk της Σίσσυς μέχρι το funk των Original Funky team.
Ο κατάλογος μακρύς.

Από τη Δευτέρα 29-11-2010 θα βγούμε αέρα. Δοκιμαστική περίοδος με κάποιες κανονικές εκπομπές στον αέρα.
Στις 9 το βράδυ ο Πλανήτης Ladydust και στις 11 The singin' Grandfather με τον Κώστα Λυμπερόπουλο.

Εννοείται πως είστε οι πρώτοι που μαθαίνετε το νέο επίσημα.
To site στήνεται με ηρεμία, οι εκπομπές που θα εμπλουτίσουν το πρόγραμμα και αυτές θα ενταχθούν σιγά-σιγά.

Ελπίζουμε να γουστάρετε.



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17 June 2006

The singin' Grandfather με τον Κώστα Λυμπερόπουλο.

το κοπυκλέφτ ανήκει στον καταραμένο

η εκπομπή θα είναι Στοίχημα. Περισσότερες φορές αναμένεται να τρώει κουβά γιατί θα προσπαθεί να γεφυρώσει τελείως ετερόκλητα πράγματα: από τον Μπάχ στο ragtime, από το ρ'ν'ρ στη Free jazz-Improvisation-modern composition.

Don't say I didn't warn 'ya: Sally got married to a rock musician she met in California :cool: -bye-
17 June 2006

They were wild like the USA
A mystery band in a New York way
Rock and roll, but not like the rest
And to me, America at it's best
How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.

A spooky tone on a Fender bass
Played less notes and left more space
Stayed kind of still, looked kinda shy
Kinda far away, kinda dignified.

How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.

Now you can look at that band and wonder where
All that sound was coming from
With just 4 people there.

Twangy sounds of the cheapest types,
Sounds as stark as black and white stripes,
Bold and brash, sharp and rude,
Like the heats turned off
And you're low on food.
How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.
Like this...

Wild wild parties when they start to unwind
A close encounter of the thirdest kind
On the bandstand playing, everybody's saying
How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.

Well you could look at that band
And at first sight
Say that certain rules about modern music
Wouldn't apply tonight.

Twangy sounds of the cheapest kind,
Like "Guitar sale $29.99,"
Bold and brash, stark and still,
Like the heats turned off
And you can't pay the bill.
How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.

Both guitars got the fuzz tone on
The drummer's standing upright pounding along
A howl, a tone, a feedback whine
Biker boys meet the college kind
How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.

Wild wild parties when they start to unwind
A close encounter of the thirdest kind
On the bandstand grooving, everybody moving
How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground

niko Zed

Established Member
6 November 2008

θελω μονο να πληροφορησω πως επισημως η πρεμιερα της Δευτερας θα γινει τελικα στις 23:00 με την εκπομπη του singin' Grandfather ... :grandpa: :adore::adore::adore::adore::adore:

κι αυτο γιατι η Μαρινα λογω επαγγελματικων υποχρεωσεων(γυρισματα για ταινια) αναβαλλει την επιστροφη του Πλανήτη Ladydust λογικα για την αλλη Δευτερα ...
17 June 2006

They were wild like the USA
A mystery band in a New York way
Rock and roll, but not like the rest
And to me, America at it's best
How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.

A spooky tone on a Fender bass
Played less notes and left more space
Stayed kind of still, looked kinda shy
Kinda far away, kinda dignified.
How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.

Now you can look at that band and wonder where
All that sound was coming from
With just 4 people there.

Twangy sounds of the cheapest types,
Sounds as stark as black and white stripes,
Bold and brash, sharp and rude,
Like the heats turned off
And you're low on food.
How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.
Like this...

Wild wild parties when they start to unwind
A close encounter of the thirdest kind
On the bandstand playing, everybody's saying
How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.

Well you could look at that band
And at first sight
Say that certain rules about modern music
Wouldn't apply tonight.

Twangy sounds of the cheapest kind,
Like "Guitar sale $29.99,"
Bold and brash, stark and still,
Like the heats turned off
And you can't pay the bill.
How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.

Both guitars got the fuzz tone on
The drummer's standing upright pounding along
A howl, a tone, a feedback whine
Biker boys meet the college kind
How in the world were they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.

Wild wild parties when they start to unwind
A close encounter of the thirdest kind
On the bandstand grooving, everybody moving
How in the world are they making that sound?
Velvet Underground.


Senior Member
13 January 2009

Τέτοια παρέα όμορφη άξια και τιμημένη
καθ' ένας την επεθυμά και με χαρά ανημένει!



AVClub Addicted Member
1 August 2010

Μ Π Ρ Α Β Ο ! ! !

...και αναρωτιόμουν πριν λίγες μέρες, με τέτοια ένθερμη "μουσική κατηγορία" στο avclub, πως είναι δυνατόν να μην υπάρχει κάποιο web radio!

(μα το Μεγάλο Μανιτού σας λέω!) :D