Φίλε Cool11: έψαξα λίγο πρόχειρα για μερικά πραγματάκια που ίσως πέρα από εσένα βοηθήσαν όλους μας σχετικά τι ακριβώς πρέπει να προσέξουμε κατά την έρευνα για αγορά τηλεοράσεων:
Pixel Pitch: is measured in millimeters and it is space between each pixel or "display dot" on the screen of the LCD. The lower the pixel pitch, the sharper the display.
Refresh Rate: is measured in milliseconds, and determines how fast the display adjusts its colors, shades, and tones. The lower the number, the better. Typically, any LCD with a rating of 16ms or lower is good for viewing movies and playing games. Ideally, you want the lowest number possible. Any LCD with a refresh rate higher than 16ms will have a "ghosting" affect when displaying frames within a movie, or simply the scrolling movement of your mouse, or scrolling within applications. Keep in mind that for larger monitors and TVs it is more important to go with a lower refresh rate such as 8ms and below due to the fact that the larger screen size has a longer distance, and takes a longer time to refresh across the longer distance.
Contrast Ratio: is measured as a ratio from 1 up to 1000. The larger the ratio the more beneficial it will be when viewing images or movies which involve a lot of dark or light scenery. A higher contrast ratio means that there are more variations of colour within dark and light areas of an image or movie. The higher the contrast ratio, the more colours will be visible within dark or light areas of the display. Ideally, always go higher if possible.
CD/M2 Brightness: Expressed in candels per square meter, it is as important as the contrast ratio. CD/M2 brightness is responsible for outputting the necessary amount of brightness in order to see the screen from a distance, and from an angle. This is also responsible for projecting the light in all directions and allowing for a true-black colour rather than a dull grayish black when viewing a background or darkness within an image. Ideally, always go higher if possible.
Native Resolution (Monitors Only): The higher the resolution the more available space to view your display. However, it is recommended that the size of the LCD be proportional to the resolution. For 15" LCDs look for a native resolution of 1024x768, for 17" and 19" look for a native resolution of 1280x768, and for 21" and beyond look for a higher native resolution such as 1680x1050. If possible, always look at the monitor on display when deciding to purchase it to determine whether the resolution is suitable for your viewing.
Warranty: Most LCD monitors include a 3-year warranty. However, some brand-specific LCDs come with a 1-year warranty. Always keep this in mind and check the information on the box before purchasing it. LCD TVs typically come with a 1-year warranty. Always be aware of any misrepresentation.
Inputs: LCD monitors and TVs can come with Analog, Digital, and both Analog/Digital inputs. Ideally, is always better to go with digital as you get a sharper display. However, Analog and Digital have a very small difference. Usually, when dealing with images and videos, editors prefer the digital connection as they can get an exact visual of the actual display. Analog will appear to be slightly less sharper. Keep in mind that this is not as important as the other specifications mentioned. If you only have an analog video card, then its cheaper and recommended to stick with an analog LCD. If you have a digital video card, then go with an LCD which has a digital input connector. However, if you plan on changing your setup later on by purchasing a new video card, you can decide to go with an LCD which includes both connectors. Furthermore, if you looking for more quality when viewing DVDs, look for TVs which have RGB inputs. These Red, Green, Blue inputs offer the best colour and resolution possible.
Viewing Angle: The greater the viewing angle, the greater the ability to view the display from an angle. To determine whether the viewing angle is ideal, it is best to look at a monitor on display, and test the visibility at an angle. It is also important to look at reviews to compare monitors to determine which similarly rated monitors have a greater viewable angle. Never rely on the specifications which give you the viewable angle measured in degrees. You must use your eyes to determine this as many manufacturers' specifications are misrepresented, and are biased.
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