WDHI Wireless High Definition Interface


Μέλος Σωματείου
17 June 2006

WHDI™ - Wireless High Definition Interface sets a new standard for wireless high-definition video connectivity. It provides a high-quality, uncompressed wireless link which can support delivery of equivalent video data rates of up to 3Gbps (including uncompressed 1080p) in a 40MHz channel in the 5GHz unlicensed band, conforming to FCC regulations. Equivalent video data rates of up to 1.5Gbps (including uncompressed 1080i and 720p) can be delivered on a single 20MHz channel in the 5GHz unlicensed band, conforming to worldwide 5GHz spectrum regulations. Range is beyond 100 feet, through walls, and latency is less than one millisecond.

WHDI™ enables a wireless video link that offers the same functionality, cost and quality as a wired link. Practically all of the hundreds of millions of wired connections between video sources and displays today are based on delivery of uncompressed video. In order to replace these wired links, the wireless interface needs to be uncompressed as well.

Solutions that are based on delivery of compressed video do not solve the problem of providing a universal wireless video link that can connect between any source and any display. Although most of the digital sources are distributed to the home in compressed format, compressed video is rarely provided at the output of most video sources such as DVD players and set-top-boxes. One reason for this is copy-protection: Compressed outputs are more susceptible and more sensitive to theft. Another reason is that interoperability on the compressed level is extremely challenging as there are so many video codecs, and displays can not be expected to support all of them. Moreover, there are many sources that are generated uncompressed, such as gaming consoles and PCs.

Previous solutions tried to overcome this constraint by applying real-time compression to the uncompressed outputs of sources. However, this significantly reduces quality, adds latency, and is expensive. (For a more detailed analysis of uncompressed vs. compressed, please refer to the White Paper on this topic – link provided at the end of this page)

Enabling the wireless delivery of such high video rates is a radically different approach to transmission. WHDI™ is based on AMIMON’s revolutionary video-modem technology in which the video coding and modulation are jointly optimized to enable capabilities far beyond those of traditional wireless modems that have been optimized for data.

Traditional wireless video approaches have failed to provide an adequate solution to the problem of wireless HDTV connectivity because they treat the problem as a special case of data delivery. In a wireless data modem (e.g. 802.11n, MBOA-UWB) all bits are treated equally — they all get the same level of protection from channel impairments. However, in video, different bits have different level of importance and the effect of an error greatly depends on which bit was corrupted.

For example: A typical uncompressed stream is represented by a stream of 8 or 10 bit numbers, each representing the primary color value of a given pixel. Clearly, the most significant bit (MSB) of each of these numbers has greater visual importance than the least significant bit (LSB). If an error occurs on the MSB, that pixel gets an entirely different (and unwanted) value. However, an error in the LSB will result in a minor change in the pixel’s value. Wireless data-modems ignore this characteristic of video. They provide the same level of protection to the MSB and LSB, which means they either protect the LSB too much, resulting in inefficient use of channel capacity, or protect the MSB too little, resulting is a low quality video link; or a combination of both. WHDI™ provides a different level of protection to the different bits, enabling the delivery of very high video rates with very high quality.

WHDI™ takes the uncompressed HD video stream and breaks it into elements of importance. The various elements are then mapped onto the wireless channel in a way that give elements with more visual importance a greater share of the channel resources, i.e. they are transmitted in a more robust manner. Elements that have less visual importance are allocated fewer channel resources, and therefore are transmitted in a much less robust way. Allocation of channel resources can include, for example, setting power levels, spectrum allocation and coding parameters.

The result of this unique video-modem approach is that any errors in the wireless channel are not noticed as they only affect the less important bits. Very high rates of video information can be transmitted because the human eye can tolerate the errors that fall on the less important bits.

For more details, please see the WHDI™ technical White Paper.


Μέλος Σωματείου
17 June 2006
Όπως φαίνεται σύντομα θα δούμε και τα πρώτα μηχανάκια με WHDI κάτι που θα λύση τα χέρια αρκετών φίλων στη τοποθέτηση του προβολικού τους …


Wireless HDMI on its way - Amimon ships WHDI chipsets to manufacturers
Amimon is shipping its WHDI (Wireless High Definition Interface) chipset to manufacturers, which means that wireless HDMI could be on its way.

The chipset allows uncompressed 720p and 1080i signals to be transmitted over the 5GHz wireless band, using 20MHz of bandwidth and reaching distances up to 100ft with the same quality as HDMI. And, chaining two chipsets together, allows 1080p signals to be sent wirelessly, using 40MHz of bandwidth.

The chipset can be embedded into devices such as HDTVs, projectors, AV receivers, next generation DVD players, games consoles, set-top boxes and PCs, allowing wireless streaming of uncompressed HD audio and video.

"With WHDI chipsets in hand, CE manufacturers will now be able to offer consumers wireless HDTVs and other HD wireless video devices based on the WHDI standard," said Noam Geri, vice president of marketing and business development at Amimon.

"Consumers should see initial WHDI-based products at the end of this year, with a wide variety of WHDI-based CE products available in 2008."

WHDI is the only technology capable of creating a wireless whole-home HD video net, which allows devices to share HD content throughout the entire home – up to 30m and through walls – while maintaining cable quality performance.

Κώστας Παπαγεωργίου

AVClub Addicted Member
17 June 2006
WHDI is the only technology capable of creating a wireless whole-home HD video net, which allows devices to share HD content throughout the entire home – up to 30m and through walls – while maintaining cable quality performance.

Αυτό το through walls το βλέπω λίγο χλωμό, αλλά γενικά θα είναι μια πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα υλοποίηση.


Μέλος Σωματείου
17 June 2006
Όπως είναι φυσικό η τεχνολογία βρίσκει το δρόμο της στην αγορά η Hitachi Ltd., Motorola Inc., Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Sharp Corporation και Sony Corporation ανακοίνωσαν την υποστήριξη και τη συνεργασία τους στο WHDI για την δημιουργία ενός καινούργιου ασύρματου στάνταρ μεταφοράς ήχου και εικόνας μέσα στο 2008… άντε σύντομα και στα σπιτα μας ;)




Press Release
Leaders in Consumer Electronics and Wireless High-definition Video Delivery To Discuss the Next Wave of Wireless Audio/Video Connectivity
Santa Clara, Calif. – July 23, 2008 – AMIMON Inc., Hitachi Ltd., Motorola Inc., Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Sharp Corporation and Sony Corporation today announced the formation of a special interest group to develop a comprehensive new industry standard for multi-room audio, video and control connectivity utilizing Wireless Home Digital Interface (WHDI™) technology. The group’s intention is to complete the new standard in 2008.

A key ingredient of WHDI technology is a revolutionary video-modem that operates in the 5GHz unlicensed band to enable robust wireless delivery of uncompressed HD video (including 1080p). WHDI allows secure, encrypted HD video delivery through multiple rooms and other potential signal obstructions, such as people and furniture, while maintaining superb quality and robustness with less than one-millisecond latency.

The objective of this special interest group is to enhance the current WHDI technology to enable wireless streaming of uncompressed HD video and audio between CE devices such as LCD and plasma HDTVs, multimedia projectors, A/V receivers, DVD and BD players, set-top boxes (STBs), game consoles, and PCs. The new interoperable standard aims to ensure that CE devices manufactured by different vendors will simply and directly connect to one another.

“WHDI technology complements other wireless and wired standards with a new class of connectivity within the home,” said Dr. David Lee, the founder of the HDMI™ standard and a member of AMIMON’s board of directors. “WHDI’s connectivity matrix introduces to consumers new possibilities to enjoy their high-definition entertainment network.”

“WHDI delivers the robust performance that wireless connections must have to meet and exceed consumer demands,” offered Dr. Paul Moroney of Motorola. “This new standard will help ensure optimal video delivery in the home.”

“The development of the new standard will ensure that when consumers purchase CE devices and take them home, they will enjoy a fast, easy and hassle-free wireless connection that delivers the highest quality,” said Dr. Yoav Nissan-Cohen, chairman and CEO of AMIMON. “The WHDI standard’s objective is to enable an enriched customer experience with multi-vendor interoperability.”

WHDI is a trademark of AMIMON, Ltd. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are those of their respective holders.

Joseph R. Kilmer
The Hoffman Agency for WHDI LLC
(408) 975-3032
[email protected]


AVClub Addicted Member
17 December 2007
λογικα θα βγει και καποιο ειδος adaptor που θα μπαινει στη πηγη και στο προβολα και δεν θα εχουμε καλωδιο


Supreme Member
17 June 2006
Εγω πάντως ειμαι επιφυλακτικός με καθε τι ασύρματο για τεχνητουργήματα, lags κοκ


24 April 2008
Μετάδοση δεδομένων στα 5Ghz υπάρχει σήμερα με το πρωτόκολλο 802.11a. Στην turbo έκδοσή του (40MHz εύρος ζώνης) η μετάδοση σε real-world συνθήκες δε ξεπερνάει τα 8-9MB/sec, ή 64-72Mbps. Πως από αυτό το νούμερο θα φτάσουν στα 3GBps (μιλάμε για σχεδόν δύο τάξεις μεγέθους αύξηση) είναι κάτι που προξενεί τουλάχιστον απορία. Ειδικά δε όταν αναφέρουν 30m range μέσα από τοίχους.

Για μένα, μέχρι να το δω στη πράξη να δουλεύει, το θεωρώ απίθανο να επιτυγχάνει αυτές τις ταχύτητες.



24 April 2008
Εκτός αν εκπέμπει με ισχύ φούρνου μικροκυμάτων και "τρώει" 500MHz φάσμα..
Τότε όλα γίνονται..

Όντως, αλλά αναφέρουν 40MHz εύρος και within FCC regulations, δηλαδή 30dbm για indoor χρήση (1W ισχύος). Αν όντως πετύχουν κάτι τέτοιο, μιλάμε για μία επανάσταση στην ασύρματη ψηφιακή διασύνδεση εντός σπιτιού (ακόμα και το νέο standard 802.11n δεν πλησιάζει καν αυτές τις ταχύτητες).

Εγώ αν ήθελα να λύσω αυτό το πρόβλημα, θα μετέφερα τον video decoder λίγο πριν τον προβολέα/tv, ή ακόμα και μέσα σε αυτόν. Η ενσωμάτωση ενός H.264 decoder δε νομίζω να αυξήσει την τιμή στις συσκευές. Έτσι το απαιτούμενο εύρος ζώνης θα έπεφτε πάρα πολύ.

13 March 2007
Οκ αρχίσανε να παραληρούνε- και HD και uncompressed, και απιστευτα χαμηλό lag σε wireless... δε λέω μακάρι ... αλλλα πιστεύω ότι το παρατραβάνε.

σιγα ρε μην κατσω στον κ... μου 1 βαττ μεσα στο σπίτι μου...
εαν δεν κάνω λάθος το peak των κινητών τόσο είναι... ίσως και παραπάνω... ρε καλώδια για πάντα λέμε!
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Established Member
3 November 2007
Οκ αρχίσανε να παραληρούνε- και HD και uncompressed, και απιστευτα χαμηλό lag σε wireless... δε λέω μακάρι ... αλλλα πιστεύω ότι το παρατραβάνε.

εαν δεν κάνω λάθος το peak των κινητών τόσο είναι... ίσως και παραπάνω... ρε καλώδια για πάντα λέμε!
Όσο και αν συμπαθώ τα καλώδια και ας έχω προεγκαταστάσεις για ηχεία-δίκτυο σπίτι, θεωρούσα και θεωρώ ανούσιο έναν ακόμη σωλήνα και 10μ καλώδιο hdmi μέχρι τον ενισχυτή για προβολέα. Με αυτό το ανταπτοράκι η ιδέα γίνεται εξαιρετικά ελκυστική για αναβάθμιση.

Βρήκα πως είναι έτοιμη η πρώτη υλοποίηση:

στα 800 δολλάρια πάντως είναι τα διπλά από 15μ καλού hdmi.
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Established Member
6 February 2008
Τι μπορεί να σημαίνει αυτό ?

In very basic terms, WHDI prioritizes video components according to their importance. There are the most significant bits (MSBs) and the least significant bits (LSBs) in a video pixel. The MSBs get more error protection when they are encoded than the LSBs, and they are also transmitted on frequency bands with less noise.


Κάπου αλλού αναφέρουν πως ότι βγεί τώρα δεν σημαίνει ότι θα είναι συμβατό και αργότερα.....

Those products, and others to be released later this year will not necessarily be compatible with those made in the future according to the WHDI standard,


Οπως και να έχει δεν συμπαθώ ιδιαίτερα τα ασύρματα....