Παιδιά ήθελα να ρωτήσω αν αξίζει ο προβολέας μας να υποστηρίζει σήμα 1080p/24 σήμα και ποιά τα μειονέκτήματα με έναν προβολέα που δεν το υποστηρίζει ,σε hd υλικό.
Δηλ.αν αργότερα πάρουμε hd-dvd br σε τι θα χάνουμε αν δεν υποστηρίζει ο προβολέας μας 1080p/24?
Είναι πολύ εμφανής η διαφορά?
Σύμφωνα με το παρακάτω άρθρο είναι.Ποιά η γνώμη σας?
The benefit of 1080p/24 transmission between the HD player and the projector is that it eliminates the need for 24 frame/sec film material to go through 2:3 pulldown conversion. This conversion has always been necessary to get film to synch with the 60 cycle displays that are part of the NTSC world. But with digital projectors being able to run at 24 Hz (or multiples thereof, 48 or 72 Hz), the conversion to 60 Hz is no longer needed. This will eliminate occasional artifacts such as judder in slow panning sequences and allow a smoother display of the film source. Once we acquire one of the new Blu-ray players with 1080p/24 output, we will do more testing to assess the degree to which this feature actually contributes to any incremental improvement in the viewing experience.
Δηλ.αν αργότερα πάρουμε hd-dvd br σε τι θα χάνουμε αν δεν υποστηρίζει ο προβολέας μας 1080p/24?
Είναι πολύ εμφανής η διαφορά?
Σύμφωνα με το παρακάτω άρθρο είναι.Ποιά η γνώμη σας?
The benefit of 1080p/24 transmission between the HD player and the projector is that it eliminates the need for 24 frame/sec film material to go through 2:3 pulldown conversion. This conversion has always been necessary to get film to synch with the 60 cycle displays that are part of the NTSC world. But with digital projectors being able to run at 24 Hz (or multiples thereof, 48 or 72 Hz), the conversion to 60 Hz is no longer needed. This will eliminate occasional artifacts such as judder in slow panning sequences and allow a smoother display of the film source. Once we acquire one of the new Blu-ray players with 1080p/24 output, we will do more testing to assess the degree to which this feature actually contributes to any incremental improvement in the viewing experience.