Ziphone Warning


AVClub Enthusiast
2 November 2007
Other jailbreak software such as iLiberty+, Pwnage, will not leave you with a brick. Everything they do can be reverted safely. This means if they fail on you, you just restore and try again. No harm done.

With ziphone, your damage is permanent. It’s a crap shoot. It may work 9 times out of 10, but on that 10th time that it fails out, you can expect to be purchasing a new iPhone. Sounds great right? Indeed, this is so common that the term “ziphoned” actually has meaning (a bricked phone caused by ZiPhone). Check out the google search on the term and see the problems for yourself.

If you have used Ziphone and your phone is currently working, you do not need to do anything. Just don’t use it again. The next time could be fatal. You’ve been warned!