Εχετε αποψη για τον ρώσικο MC Rubinar 10/1000 Macro Telephoto Lens?
Τα specs του:
Focal length, mm 1000
Geometrical relative aperture 1:10
Angular field of view, deg. 2.5
Focusing limits, m from 4 to infinity
working distance, mm 45.5
Resolving power at infinity, mm-1:
- in the field center
- over the edge of the field 50
Connecting with the camera:
MC Rubinar 10/1000 macro thread M42x1
Connecting thread for light filters, attachments and lens hood M116x1
Connecting thread for tripod, inch 1/4
Slip joint for attachments, mm 122
Overall dimensions at infinity, without lids, max, mm
- length
- diameter 210
Mass without lids, max, kg 2.3
Τα specs του:
Focal length, mm 1000
Geometrical relative aperture 1:10
Angular field of view, deg. 2.5
Focusing limits, m from 4 to infinity
working distance, mm 45.5
Resolving power at infinity, mm-1:
- in the field center
- over the edge of the field 50
Connecting with the camera:
MC Rubinar 10/1000 macro thread M42x1
Connecting thread for light filters, attachments and lens hood M116x1
Connecting thread for tripod, inch 1/4
Slip joint for attachments, mm 122
Overall dimensions at infinity, without lids, max, mm
- length
- diameter 210
Mass without lids, max, kg 2.3