Re: Marusys VU+ Duo HD, νέος enigma2 δέκτης
Μπελα βρηκαμε... αγορασα ενα Sunon 5x5x1 KD1205PFS2 λεει 104 mA , λεω σιγα να μην υπαρχει προβλημα.
Κι ομως... η πλακετα βγαζει... 3.2V !!! με αποτελεσμα να μη μπορει καν να ξεκινησει το ανεμιστηρακι !
Χωρια που οι τρυπες για τις βιδες ειναι σε διαφορετικες αποστασεις με αποτελεσμα να το στηριξω μονο με μια βιδα.
Does not compute...πρεπει να αρχιζω να δοκιμαζω ανεμιστηρακια...η να δωσω 5 η 12V με ενα Υ-cable απο το SATA power supply.
Για δειτε κι αυτο...
I would like to resume this old post because I did some tests about fan.
In the beginning I tried to replace the original (very bad) fan with a new one, but I had some problems.
I bought a fan 5x5 which has a starting voltage around 4.2V. I thought I got it. Unfortunately this was not the case. The fan 1 time over 7 starts, but ofted does not have enough energy to start.
So, I did some measurements and I found out that fan driver in the motherboard is not voltage controlled, but current controlled!
This may be even a good idea to limit noise, unfortunately the current set is about 35uA. How many fans in the market you can find with this low current cunsumption??
Great, so I gave up to connect the fan directly to the driver. I then created a little PCB connect to a Y-Cable from Sata Power an a NTC. Now I have a very good controlled Fan wrt temperature.
So, if you have trouble to find which fan buy to replace the old one, take into account this very low drive current (34uA!!!).